Located in the heart of Elkins, WV
300 Ward Ave., Elkins, WV 26241
(800) 638-1576 | (304) 636-2199 | E-mail Us

Specials & Events


Buy 1 Hanging Basket, get 2nd for 50% off—until Mother's Day!

Thank you!

I want to thank all of our customers for a great poinsettia season this year....it's only the second time in 40 years that we have sold every single plant I grew.....!!!!!....simply amazing to have sold every one...!!!!!....Without our loyal customers we would not be able to have this success.....I want to thank each and every one of you for you business and support and wishing you all a Merry Christmas and great 2015.....and just think it will be no time until July when the whole poinsettia process starts again...!!!!!....Merry Christmas...!!!!!

Take a look at what we've got Growin' at Mary's

It may still be winter outside but Spring is starting at Mary’s Greenhouse. We're getting our Signature combo hanging baskets, Petunias, Millions Bells, Geraniums, Begonias, Lantana New Guinea Impatiens, and many others ready for Mother's Day!

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